Monthly Archives: August 2019


i know it’s spelled wrong, but that is the way I see it because it stands for :

practice, understanding, patience, praise, encouragement, exercise everyday

when you call a puppy and say puppee, puppee they get so excited and they know that happy sound in your voice, that it’s going too be okay now!

now the right way spelled is puppy and that also means :

practice, understanding, patience, praise , yourself

We all know GOD spelled backwards is DOG

so believe me he knows and looks down and watches and for all those IDIOTS  that want to hurt , abuse, starve, fight, and no longer want these beautiful helpless animals that need us and drop them off on some back road and drive away – I have one word for you all KARMA will find you for sure !!!

one more thing too remember that MUTT stands for :

magnificent, understanding, truly, terrific

Take the time too stop and hug your pet today because they give you Loyalty, Love, kisses, faithfulness, a friend (when I needed a friend You gave me your paw) companionship, motivators, mend a broken heart, funny, and they will make you smile 😊  everyday so when it comes time for them too leave us , I will never leave there side , they were here to help me and I will be there until the end and I will see you again, so watch for me !!

Margie Lynn May