Thank You 2020

To all the Truckers, Doctors, Nurses, First Responders, Police, Military, Firemen, Farmers, Veterinarians, Grocery Stores, and Gas Stations!

Stay Strong, Stay Safe, sending prayers

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Y’all, Your all out there keeping the tires and the world turning! Without you we would have nothing! You sacrifice family time, rest, food, and risks everyday for us strangers that you never met, and I’m grateful for every hour, minute, and seconds that you have taken from your time to help us! We need too stand together, be kind, love one another, lean on each other for a ear to listen and help us stay motivated, Focused, and safe!

Thank You !


God Bless America!!


i know it’s spelled wrong, but that is the way I see it because it stands for :

practice, understanding, patience, praise, encouragement, exercise everyday

when you call a puppy and say puppee, puppee they get so excited and they know that happy sound in your voice, that it’s going too be okay now!

now the right way spelled is puppy and that also means :

practice, understanding, patience, praise , yourself

We all know GOD spelled backwards is DOG

so believe me he knows and looks down and watches and for all those IDIOTS  that want to hurt , abuse, starve, fight, and no longer want these beautiful helpless animals that need us and drop them off on some back road and drive away – I have one word for you all KARMA will find you for sure !!!

one more thing too remember that MUTT stands for :

magnificent, understanding, truly, terrific

Take the time too stop and hug your pet today because they give you Loyalty, Love, kisses, faithfulness, a friend (when I needed a friend You gave me your paw) companionship, motivators, mend a broken heart, funny, and they will make you smile 😊  everyday so when it comes time for them too leave us , I will never leave there side , they were here to help me and I will be there until the end and I will see you again, so watch for me !!

Margie Lynn May



My Friend

Well I had to write this story because I lost one of my best friends on Friday night, I had to say goodbye for now .

My four legged friend was Weebit and he was 9 years old and he always had a smile on his face , but he suffered from congested heart failure and was on medication which wasn’t the right dose so they upped his meds and two days later he started a down fall .

He stopped eating, and couldn’t keep water down so I know I had to do what had to be done and it’s not the easiest thing to do in life, but when there quality of life is no longer there I make my decisions.

Friday night my local veterinarian said bring him in and they left me spend as much time as I wanted with him before we begin, I held him and talked to him to tell him I’m here to the end I’m not leaving you my friend, you were a great dog and loved everybody you had no mean bone in your body, you liked to roll over for everybody to scratch your belly, you smiled all the time until now , I know you were so sick.

I told him I loved him with all my heart and when you see your sister Daisy give her a kiss for me and I kissed him on his head and told him I love him so and you can go now your watch is over, and God needs you now to help him and you now will be pain free my friend.

When we gave him his shot he reached up and kissed my nose to say thank you for staying here with me I love you to.

Well my friend I will see you again someday , run free in heaven till we meet again, watch for me I will need you then.

Margie Lynn May


Pets are Therapy Heroes!

A story about love between human and dog And how much pet’s are needed for Therapy, whether you are dealing with Mental, Physically , or Emotional disorders. It is a proven fact dogs release stress in children, adults, families, schools, hospitals, police stations, hospice patients, colleges, fire stations, work places and much more, the list could keep going on.

I’m writing this story because I live life with Depression & Anxiety. I know how bad it is to try to fight to get up and motivated in the mornings. The struggles are real, I fight to leave the house to go to work , or run errands, and I was totally exhausted everyday.

I had hit a downward spiral moving fast . I felt As if I was a failure in life. I had no job (tried several times) finally giving up. I had no money , no motivation to do anything about it. All I wanted to do is sleep, I was totally exhausted, sleeping my life away as days passed bye me. I had no reason to go nowhere , no money to go shopping, no vehicle to drive, nor money for gas for a vehicle.

See I live on a small farm with a friend and I take care of the place and help around the farm when he goes to work, so In exchange he supplies me only what I need in exchange for work.

So one day I sat down and cried as the tears rolled down my cheeks and this sweet little dog jumped up on my lap and laid his head against my chest looked up at me with his beautiful sparkling brown eyes staring at me as he licked the tears off of my cheek, as to say I’m here for you, I love you . I kissed him on the top of his head , hugged him and I new at that moment I needed help and he was telling me it will be okay. I made the call that day, and got the help I needed to get my life back on track.

Dogs are Intelligent, loyal, talented, helpful, loving, happy, fun, confident, connected, healers, motivated and Heroes! This little dog named Yogi, motivated me too get the help I needed and I did .

I’m now receiving counseling and I probably will for life, because Depression & Anxiety can be controlled and helped but it will be with me for life. I know, I have the strength to fight on, with Yogi by my side .

Yogi motivated me to get the help I needed, and it all clicked in my brain when I made goals the counselor asked me to do.

My goals are now to help more people see the importance of Pet Therapy and there is light in the PATH, follow the beam of light and there is help to be found, we are following that PATH!

Yogi and I are now in training so I can become a Pet Therapy Handler! We want to help other people in need, and too see Pets Are Therapy Heroes visiting areas in the near future ! It will take time, patience and hard work to be properly trained but we both are so excited for our next path together!

Remember The PATH is:

Pets Are Therapy Heroes!

With love, loyalty, motivation, help, encouragement, and hard work you will succeed in your GOALS!

Margie Lynn May